All tutorials and lessons at the website were authored by Mohtanick Jamil

Mohtanick Jamil is the Chief Curriculum Director of Arabic studies at the Shariah Program. He joined the Shariah Program as a student at age 16 to study under Sheikh Mufti Yusuf Mullan. Upon completing the (then) three year program, Mohtanick graduated at the top of his class. He then enrolled in advanced Arabic linguistics at the University of Toronto, where he spent another four years studying the language. Having graduated with high honors at the top of his university class, Mohtanick finally returned back to the Shariah Program to complete his studies at the highest levels for another two years.

Having achieved advanced specialization in the Arabic language, Mufti Yusuf Mullan subsequently awarded Mohtanick the post of Chief Curriculum Director at the Shariah Program.

Today, Mohtanick writes prolifically on various topics of the Arabic language for students of all levels. He has authored approximately one hundred original articles, including original research papers, and his teaching methods are enjoyed by students and are replicated by scholars around the globe.

You can visit his Youtube channel to watch inspiring videos on the secrets and beauty of the Arabic language.