The Letters Taa and Zaa
· The next letters of the Arabic alphabet are Taa and Zaa
ط | |
ظ |
· They have the same body except Zaa has a dot on top of the loop, to right of the line
Taa is NOT the Taa we know
from Baa Taa THaa
The sound is similar but this one is much deeper
Zaa sounds a lot like Zaal and
But Zaa is much deeper than either of those two
We’ll talk about the differences shortly
Listening & Pronouncing
is a much deeper and “thicker” version of ت
Let’s compare the two sounds:
and بَط |
is pronounced the same way as ت
Your tongue touches the part where your top central incisors meet your gums

· But there are some subtle differences
o When you pronounce ت your tongue stays almost flat, but when you pronounce ط the center of your tongue sinks down
· Exercise: repeat the words you hear
Answer [1 Taa] | |
Answer [1 Taa] | |
Answer [1 Taa (doubled)] |
· Exercise: read the words below
شَطَطِ |
طَبَخُ |
تُراثَ |
بَطاطِسُ |
طارَتِ |
تُطا… |
Zaa is a much deeper
version of Zaal
Let’s compare the two:
and بَظ |

Zaa and Zaal are pronounced
pretty much the same
The tip of your tongue touches the bottom of your top central incisors
· But there are some differences
o When you pronounce Zaa the center of your tongue sinks down, but when you pronounce Zaal it does not sink that much (or at all)
· Exercise: repeat the words you hear
Answer [1 Zaa] | |
Answer [1 Zaa] | |
Answer [1 Zaa] |
· Exercise: repeat the words below
ظَرُبَ |
حَظُ |
ذُبِحَ |
· Exercise: which recording in the pair has the ت and which has the ط?
1 | Answer [ت] | |
Answer [ط] |
2 | Answer [ت] | |
Answer [ط] |
3 | Answer [ط] | |
Answer [ت] |
· Exercise: which recording has the Zaal, which has the Zeiy and which has the Zaa?
1 | Answer [ذ] | |
Answer [ز] | ||
Answer [ظ] |
2 | Answer [ز] | |
Answer [ذ] | ||
Answer [ظ] |
3 | Answer [ز] | |
Answer [ظ] | ||
Answer [ذ] |
Reading & Writing
The Taa/Zaa body is a loop
followed by a vertical line
The loop is a lot like the loop of ص and ض,
but there’s no cusp
end | middle | beginning | by itself |
ـط | ـطـ | طـ | ط |
ـظ | ـظـ | ظـ | ظ |
To write the Taa/Zaa body:
Start from a point
Make a loop by going up and to the right
Then complete the loop
When the loop is done, lift your pen and draw the vertical line from top to
The line of Taa/Zaa is like
crossing T’s and dotting I’s in English
You usually do it when you’re done writing the whole word
And the same goes for dots in Arabic
When people write by hand, they
sometimes end up putting the line of the Taa/Zaa body very close to the loop,
or even on top of it
That’s okay
· Exercise: copy the following words to the best of your ability
Careful not to confuse the
line of Taa/Zaa with an Aleph
The line of Taa/Zaa will always have the Taa/Zaa loop before it
· Exercise: do you see an Aleph in the following words?
Answer [YES]
Answer [YES]
This lesson was authored by Mohtanick Jamil
FREE Course
- 1 About the Arabic Alphabet
- 2 Letter Aleph
- 3 Letters Baa, Taa, THaa
- 4 Vowel Fatha
- 5 Lesson Review
- 6 Letters Jeem, Haa, KHaa
- 7 Reading & Writing Review
- 8 Letters Daal, Dhaal
- 9 Letters Raa, Zeiy
- 10 Pronunciation Review
- 11 Letters Seen, SHeen
- 12 Letters Saad, Daad
- 13 Vowels Kasra, Damma
- 14 Letters Taa, Zaa
- 15 Letters Ein, GHein
- 16 Arabic Syllables
- 17 Letters Faa, Qaaf, Kaaf
- 18 Letters Laam, Meem, Noon
- 19 Rest of the Alphabet
- 20 Review & Practice
- 21 Double Vowel
- 22 Reading Arabic Sentences